Synchronicity, Documented
Advances in Technology are Confirming this Miraculous Phenomenon
These Events Aren’t the Result of the Law of Large Numbers
In some situations, I feel compelled to do things. I know that sounds scary to some people, but I don’t even know it’s happening until I become aware of the end result.
The premonitions and guidance I experience, sometimes leads to synchronicity or an incredibly remarkable event, and sometimes both.
Like this:
I had an unusual feeling one afternoon as I was driving to the University of Washington. Like I was seeing my favorite numbers—2, 3, & 6—a lot. There wasn’t anything I could do about it. I was driving. They were just everywhere.
I took Amber shopping, and we kept our visit short because of her course load. Then I headed north up 15th Avenue since it was rush hour.
I came to a stoplight, a few cars back, and as I came to a stop, I looked to the right and saw the number, 6326, on a house. I thought, “Fine. I’m stopped. I am going to try to get a shot of it, blurred or not.” I snapped a couple of shots, and traffic moved ahead to the next light.
Traffic was still heavy on the surface roads, so we didn’t get far before we stopped again. I looked at the car in front of me and realized it had the next sequence of numbers, 6327. I grabbed my phone and took a shot as quickly as I could. The time stamps show that they were taken within one minute of each other.
I felt like something was going on. Nothing did for roughly an hour. Then when I finally acted, or actually was in a place where I could act on the feeling, the synchronicity was right in front of me.
What I am experiencing is incredibly beautiful, and I believe that while these experiences are deeply meaningful for me, there is also meaning for others, and I am being given the stories to share for that purpose.
I believe that the Creator/God communicates with us in ways that are unique to each of us, in ways that pull us out of the ordinary, in life-altering events that compel us to share our stories no matter what.
Copyright © 2017 by Ceejae Devine All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the author’s permission is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights. First Edition March 2017 Second Edition: November 2021 Published in the United States of America.
The band’s name was printed in huge capital letters on a tank top that was hanging out of place on one of the women’s clothing displays. The Police released the song, “Synchronicity,” in the 80s, but somehow at that time of my life, I missed the message. Now I was moving forward with what I believed was an important step in the process of creating awareness about synchronicity—sharing stories that I have been able to document. I had been thinking constantly about the concept of synchronicity for a couple of days, which included thinking about the song, because it occasionally played on the department store’s sound track.
I wanted to take a picture of the shirt to document the place I saw it, its orientation to my post, but my first break was almost two hours away and it was short. My next opportunity would be at lunch, but I knew how strange it would look for me to walk in the front door, take a shot, and walk out. I stood there immobilized, glancing back and forth from the incoming customers to the shirt, counting the seconds like a Kit-Cat clock, trying to figure out what to do.
A few minutes later, it was gone. The large block letters and brightly colored swashes were hard to miss, so I really wasn’t surprised that a salesperson from the women’s department noticed it. I thought about trying to find it on my next day off, but since I was planning to go shopping with my daughter, Amber, over Thanksgiving break, I figured I’d look for it then.
As we walked through the store a little over a week later, I told her the story and said, “I want to see if I can find it.” She laughed, flashing her green eyes at me as we walked toward the clearance racks. I thought, “It seems strange enough that one person was thinking about buying a tank top with The Police logo on it in November, so there couldn’t possibly be two.”
I rifled through the Small section, then sorted through the Mediums as Amber toyed with her new two-tone undercut. I started to feel like giving up, then, a few minutes later, I found it. I held it up so Amber could see it, saying, “Guess I’m going to buy it.”
A couple of days later, I realized that buying it was the only way I could document at least some aspects of the experience. Of course I have proof that I work at the store and the tag proves that the shirt was purchased there, but there is another deeper level to it.
Before I noticed the shirt that day, I hadn’t thought about the fact that I am actually employed as the “police” for the store. My job, among other things, is to maintain safety and security for the employees and customers. So there are significant, recognizable connections between who I am, the location of the shirt, the band, and the concept of synchronicity.
For years, I recognized what I would describe as unusual, remarkable events in my life, but every time I thought, “Why would anyone care about this but me?” I didn’t have a way to prove anything.
Then, in 2014, I noticed something I’d never seen before. Through the processes of technology, I had documentation of a couple of connections.
The first time it happened I was in the process of answering a question on a Meetup site, which was, “Which authors do you admire and why?” I thought, “There are so many. How will I ever choose?” A couple of seconds later, I thought of Barbara Ehrenreich, a feminist and an investigative journalist. It had been years since I’d read her book, Nickle and Dimed, so I felt like I needed to see what she was currently doing. When her website opened I saw the title of a book that completely surprised me. Instead of being about politics or women’s issues, it described my life perfectly. I ordered a copy immediately, and when I got it, I noticed a couple of incredible connections.
I felt like I’d been directed to the book, but that didn’t surprise me. Since 1998, remarkable events that have surpassed what most people think of as normal have been happening in my life and my daughters’ lives. So I had been seeking understanding, exploring ideas in books and online, about various kinds of unexplainable, or mystical, phenomena. Sometime around 2012, I came across the concept of synchronicity, which Carl Jung developed and defined as “...‘meaningful coincidences’ (that) occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related.”1
In the 80s, when I first heard the song, “Synchronicity,” I think I dismissed it because I had been in synchronized swimming in my early teens. So maybe lots of other people dismiss it as well because they’ve heard the terms “synchronized” and “synchronous,” and know they simply describe events that happen simultaneously, like an Olympic pair dive.
While the term, synchronicity, does suggest that events have to occur simultaneously, since I’d been experiencing these kinds of events long before I’d heard about Jung’s work, I never assumed they had to occur at the exact same moment or even within very short time frames. While some of mine have, many of the events I’ve recognized as having deep, meaningful connections have spanned a few hours and some have taken much longer.
Many people dismiss synchronicity as coincidence or chance events that don't have any validity beyond being a matter of probability. But in 2015 I reached the same conclusion as Jung. After experiencing a variety of extraordinary experiences for over 20 years that include synchronicity, I am certain God exists.
During 2016, five more events occurred that I was able to document.
Dated posts, dated conversations, and dated photographs are enabling me to show how these events, concepts, and images are connected.
So many people are trying to relay what they have come to understand about who we are, what life is about, and God. To my amazement, three concepts that speak directly to powerful individual or societal shifts that people have recognized over the years, that have been in the air so to speak, are incorporated in the events that follow. They are:
1) Zeitgeist2: the spirit of the time or a powerful force embedded in the individuals of a society,
2) Spiritus Mundi3, which according to William Butler Yeats means “a universal memory and a ‘muse’ of sorts that provides inspiration to the poet or writer,” and
3) wind(s) of change
Next Chapter
2: More | Connecting with the Book, Living with a Wild God, by Barbara Ehrenreich
“Synchronicity.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 21 Dec. 2016.
“Zeitgeist.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 8 Dec. 2016.
“Spiritus Mundi.” Quora. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Dec. 2016.